Alyssa1 Comment

Windows by fire

Alyssa1 Comment
Windows by fire

There aren’t a lot of things more disturbing to wake up to than a very loud crashing sound coming from the floor beneath you. Except maybe to wake up to that and wander downstairs to find that three of your windows are laying in the lawn and a very large hole has been left in your exterior wall. I realized pretty quickly that today would be the day that we learned to install windows.

Now, windows are really not a particularly hard thing to install but when you’re looking at installing three of them together it gets a little more complicated and it wouldn’t have been how I chose to start. I don’t actually think I would be how Josh chose to start either but we hadn’t realized that the three windows we were replacing had come as one unit. So off we went!

At this point we had no internet at the house and very little cell phone service so we packed into the car and went down to Twin Peaks, our local coffee shop, to grab a doughnut and try to educate ourselves on the art of window installation. As a side note, if you’re ever in the Tannersville area you should absolutely stop in at Twin Peaks. They have fresh doughnuts made to order and some pretty outstanding coffee. I’m an expert now because that day alone we had to go back at least 4 times to rewatch installation videos (we each remembered the steps differently- I think we finally wrote it down).

It should not take you all day to install three windows and it definitely should not take you all day and most of the next day but for us it did (although it actually ended up being 5 windows in total by the end). We worked late into the first night using desk lamps from upstairs until we finally gave up and threw a tarp up until the morning. It wasn’t a great feeling to sleep with a huge hole in the house, even less so because there’s a TON of wildlife on the property, but thankfully we had no incidents!

We were unreasonably proud of ourselves when this was completed- I think we opened and closed the new windows about a million times. Anyone driving by would have had a lot of questions about our mental stability and they would have been right to be worried. In the end we (or really I) cooked a huge meal to celebrate and then we slept incredibly soundly with the knowledge that no bear could climb into the house.